Monday, April 21, 2008

The Auteur Theory

I believe in the autuer theory in some instances. I think that the closest to auteur's are the Coen Brothers and maybe that's because I've seen a lot of theirs lately, but when looking at the credits no team does more. The two work together as producers, writers, editors, and directors. I can't see that so with director's like Hitchcock or even Tarantino who I highly respect. My main reason for seeing them as higher up on the auteur food chain is the fact that they edit their films. I think when one writes, directs and finally edits total control is given. Lets face it a film can change a lot when it goes into the editing room and I've heard of a lot of directors not liking the final cuts. Now thats not the case for the Coen's, you'll never see a Director's Cut of Fargo, because they were able to stick to their vision. However, with all the power directors like Coen's have with out a tour de force of hard working individuals on set within all areas of film, a truly dramatic film can not be created. I believe in the theory, but at the same time see some things contradicting themselves. All I know is if ever I write a script and Hollywood wants to make it into a feature, I'm gonna need a lot of strength to let go and let a studio destroy my original vision. So, yes there are people on the side working in a lot of areas, but overall if the director has stuck to his original vision in writing and story than I believe the theory works.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ben's Auteur Post

The Auteur Theory makes sense to me in that the director’s personal feelings as well as artistic style shows through the films that he/she creates, but I don’t think that I would say that they are the true authors. They don’t make up every part in the production nor do they create the characters, this is done by the production crew, and the actors. On the other hand, I would say that each director does add their own personal touch to every film that they make, and some directors touch more than others do, such as Guillermo Del Toro or Quentin Tarantino.

Notes on the Auteur Theory

I'm not sure I can believe that a director can be the only author of a film. I do believe that directors usually have stylistic ways of making their films, and I also believe that a film can reflect what the director thinks and feels. But what about the production crew or the screenwriter or even the actors? Don't they contribute their own interpretations and style to the film? For example, Tim Burton has a very strange, distinct flare to all of his films; he is constantly using Johnny Depp to act in his films because he also possesses a very distinct style of acting. Also, the director could not be the main author of a film if he/she doesn't even understand the technical aspect of film. They would rely heavily on others to make and interpret the film.
I find many similarities between making a film and owning a small business. My parents could be called the "directors" of the pumpkin patch. It is what they have put into the business that makes it what it is today; however, they are not the sole contributors to the pumpkin patch. They gather ideas all over the place: from family, employees, and other pumpkin patch-owning people. Then they put there ideas into production. In this way, a business can be a lot like a film. Just because a film has a certain style or theme that the director is tied to, it does not make that director the sole author of the film.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Carissa's Post on the Auteur Theory

I find the auteur theory to be very interesting. In the esssay by Andrew Sarris it had a paragraph that I think describes the auteur theory. This paragraph talked about how the director gives characteristics of style, which serves as his/her signature. This in return reflects how the film looks and moves which is related to how the director thinks and feels.
Another interesting concept mentioned in the essay was how directors in today's time don't need to know much about the technical side of filming. As long as they have a great production crew that can cover up their lack of knowledge/experience. This struck me because it shows that the more experience you have in your area of field, the better equipted you will be to handle anything that comes your way!
The auteur theory emphasizes the director's overall work...on set, behind the scenes, and his/her impact on the movie. What directors put into their projects and how they use their own personal style to create their movies determine who the author really is.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Fort Omaha Film Conference

I have mentioned this in class, but the deadline for Metro's Fort Omaha Film Conference is approaching. Films must be submitted by April 15th.

For more details, go here, and for further details click on the link on that page that says 2008 Call For Films.

You can just hand stuff in to me too, just make sure you get it in by April 15 (which is a Tuesday, so April 14th).

Also, remember that 2 film journals are due on Monday.

Have a good weekend!