Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Favorite Movie

Honestly it's hard to say what my favorite movie might be. I love Pulp Fiction that is always at the top of my list, but I just watched a quick clip of Usual Suspects and that movie is awesome. I think what I love most is movies with a mystery or some sort of question throughout, and its all cleared up in that last 10 minutes. Some that come to mind are Usual Suspects, Fight Club, Seven, The Untouchables, Maltese Falcon, etc. I love also musicals, its funny how I can be watching Singin' in the Rain and really enjoying it and the next second I've got Boondock Saints popped in the DVD player. It's really hard to say, what movie I like most, I will say that not only do I like twist endings, I love character development, thats why three of my favorites, would be 12 Angry Men, All the President's Men, and One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. These are great movies because it focuses on the emotion and development of characters. The story and characters essentially drive these films, they don't need flashy settings or action and adventure quality. The intellectual ride we take with the characters is even better than any adventure story, in my opinion. Another who takes us on a very intellectual ride, is Stanley Kubrick, he is easily my favorite director, from his satirical gags in Dr. Strangelove, to his many adaptations, A Clockwork Orange, The Shining, etc. A man who can look into space and create stories and follow the war path of Vietnam and create one the most compelling war stories ever written. He has covered very vastly different grounds in his work and does it beautifully every time. He is the best. Alright finally I'm a guy so I love the Shoot 'Em Up type of movies, I'm an intelligent guy but sometimes you gotta lose the brain and just enjoy an action flick. Die Hard is one I finally saw and really enjoyed, I think Alan Rickman was the best in it, I like Bruce Willis, but Rickman stole the show as the villain. Alright I've named alot of movies and in my opinion if you haven't seen them, I deffinately suggest checking them out, don't forget the library can be your friend when you want to see some classics.

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